20 May 2019
Office of the Principal
The Principal of a College shall direct and co-ordinate the daily academic activities, research, education, administration and management of the College. He is responsible of:
implementing decisions of the Board of Governors regarding the College;
ensuring rational utilisation and management of the finances and assets of the College;
coordinating the activities related to learning, teaching and research at the College level;
ensuring the welfare, education, discipline and good behavior of the students;
ensuring the quality of service and discipline of academic and research staff as well as other staff of the College;
forwarding to the Vice Chancellor of UR the budget proposal as well as the short, medium and long term draft plan of action of the College;
preparing the cooperation agreement proposals with other higher learning institutions, research centres and other institutions and forwarding them to the Vice Chancellor of UR;
preparing the annual activity and financial reports of the College and submitting them to the Vice Chancellor;
Carrying out any other duties related to his/her responsibilities as may be assigned to him/her by the Vice Chancellor.
The College Council
The College Council is the organ responsible for administrative, financial and human resource matters in each College of UR. Responsibilities of the College Council are following:
To prepare strategies and plans for development of infrastructure and materials, other activities and sources of the property of the College;
to approve and monitor the use of buildings and the equipment of College;
to prepare and to submit to the Senior Management of UR decisions relating to the appointment and promotion of non-academic or research staff;
to review the College budget and action plan prior to submission to the office of Vice Chancellor of UR.
The Academic Council
The Academic Council is the organ responsible for academic affairs, research, and education in the College of UR. The responsibilities of the Academic Council are the following:
to design the strategies, program and timetable of courses and research activities in College of UR, transmit them to the Academic Senate of UR and implement them after approval by a competent organ;
to prepare guidelines relating to admission of students in a UR College, mode of studies, conduct of students, examinations and diplomas as well as certificates offered by College of UR and transmit them to Academic Senate;
to examine the decisions taken on matters relating to examinations and other tests and transmit them to the Academic Senate;
to prepare decisions relating to appointment, promotion of the academic and research staff and take disciplinary measures against them;
to supervise activities relating to courses, research and education in Schools and departments;
to submit views to the Academic Senate on matters relating to establishing, reducing, changing, closing and merging of Schools or departments;
to prepare and submit to the Academic Senate the annual report on all academic, research and education activities;
to fulfil other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Governors.
The School Council
The School Council is the organ responsible for academic affairs, research, and education at the School level. The responsibilities of the School Council are the following:
to ensure the general smooth running of administrative, academic, educational and research activities within the School;
to receive and approve Departmental Council reports;
to approve the workload of each academic staff;
to approve research projects;
to deliberate marks of students.
The Department Council.
The Department Council is the organ responsible for academic affairs, research, and education at the Department level. The responsibilities of the Department Council are the following:
to develop strategies, the program and the timetable of courses and research activities in the Department, submit them to the school administration and implement them after approval by the School’s administration;
to implement the programs of the school in relation with the mission of the Department;
to prepare the curriculum and follow up on the learning and teaching activities within the Department; to oversee the activities of teaching, research and education within the Department;
to actively participate in the development of School’s plan of action and implement the activities falling under the department responsibilities;
to prepare and submit to the administration of the School the monthly report of all activities relating to the teaching, research and education;
to perform any other activity as may be assigned by the School’s administration
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