
Welcome by the Director


Welcome note

Welcome to the College Registrar’s Office, Nyarugenge Campus. A registrar’s office is an essential unit within the college that provides a variety of services and supports for prospective students, current students, alumni, schools and departments.
The Registrar’s Office is the “Keeper of the Students’ Academic Record.” Our job is to ensure integrity and accuracy in anything involved with your academic history. At University of Rwanda College of Science and Technology, we facilitate your application for admission, registration, make updates to your record, evaluate transfer credit including for those studying abroad, and provide services, such as transcripts, degree certificates and enrollment verifications for scholarships. We provide reports to the College to assist decision making and departmental course planning, enrollment information to student loan lenders for different purposes. At the end of your time in college, we audit your record, clear you for graduation and calculate honors. That’s why the Office of the College Registrar is seen as the entrance and exit of the students.
Often students think we create academic policy, but really, we are more like the academic policies guardians; we’re tasked with upholding academic policies including academic regulations and applying them consistently. While we do have to enforce policies, we do our best to be flexible and accommodate when we can by improving awareness among students and academic staff!
We encourage you to always read the Academic Regulations that explain in details the students’ right and obligations in all the way of academic journey.
Best wishes to everyone and success in your academic endeavors
College Registrar


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